Day 3... Once again I am getting to join the group of warriors and their guides on this beautiful private ranch near Kremmling, CO. This is the last day and it's been an amazing experience to see and feel the transformation that happens to these wonderful people as they learn to love the peace and quiet of nature and the way fly fishing takes them away from their pain and everyday problems. I set up my easel in a deserted meadow by this wandering little waterway that fed into the small pond in the distance, keeping my eyes pealed for wandering moose! The willows haven't leafed out yet and neither have the aspens and cottonwoods. They just have a glow about them that indicates that it will be coming soon! About an hour into my outdoor experience the wind started whipping up which preceded a small but furious mountain storm... I quickly finished and slammed my gear into my car just in time and headed back to base camp. I will be sad to say goodbye to these wonderful people, some we will see again, some not and I look forward to this fall's new crop of warriors and friends. Adieu to you, till tomorrow beckons, anew. ..and thank you for indulging me in my bad poetry :) Like you had a choice LOL
Marianna M. Duford artist with wanderlust.
8x16 studio oil
$625 framed