I've been woefully neglectful of addressing this blog of mine... but its been crazy busy around my household the last couple of weeks! Yahoo, much better than the alternative. The painting featured is one I did today... it just accepted into a gallery show at the Framed Image Nov. 2-Jan. 4th 2014!
The last 2 Mondays our plein air group gathered at the Smith Ranch here in Silverthorne to paint. This beautiful ranch has been slowly eaten away by building and "progress" but it is still beautiful and it offered us views hard to get to otherwise. They were getting ready to hay one of the upper meadows and it was a fabulous day...one of the last to be had with the fall foilage in high color now that Father Winter has reared his ugly head :(
I've been madly packing my plein air gear for a trip to Rochester NY, ( I get to be in a wedding this weekend!), and then on to Camden Maine to paint the fall colors of New England...hope it waits for me to get there! Our crack of dawn flight is calling and I must finish packing! I love to go places...and I love getting home even more...ciao and I'll be posting from the trip soon so stay tuned
The last 2 Mondays our plein air group gathered at the Smith Ranch here in Silverthorne to paint. This beautiful ranch has been slowly eaten away by building and "progress" but it is still beautiful and it offered us views hard to get to otherwise. They were getting ready to hay one of the upper meadows and it was a fabulous day...one of the last to be had with the fall foilage in high color now that Father Winter has reared his ugly head :(
I've been madly packing my plein air gear for a trip to Rochester NY, ( I get to be in a wedding this weekend!), and then on to Camden Maine to paint the fall colors of New England...hope it waits for me to get there! Our crack of dawn flight is calling and I must finish packing! I love to go places...and I love getting home even more...ciao and I'll be posting from the trip soon so stay tuned