It's still snowing and full blown winter here in Summit County! This is actually normal for this time of year as we often get our biggest storms in the spring ...when the rest of the country is seeing spring flowers and trees in bloom. I LOVE lilacs, the big blowsy shrubs, their color and sweet,sweet scent. They represent the epitome of spring to me. I planted a shrub when we built our home, about 22 years ago, in hopes of recreating the 15 ft. hedge of lilacs that were in the backyard of my childhood home. Long story, short...The poor thing is not quite 5 ft. tall and has only bloomed twice, maybe 3 times. The blooms freeze almost every year, but I AM the eternal optimist....this is the year that they will be covered in blooms, maybe by the end of June, and it will multiply and grow another 3 ft.
Sign me, Ever Hopeful in Silverthorne.
Sign me, Ever Hopeful in Silverthorne.